Saturday 4 January 2014

Cold weather

I haven't been near the boat but I have plenty on the go at home. The biggest thing I'm lacking is a bit of heat. I've moved everything into the driest shed I have and have stuck an oil heater in there for tonight at
least to see if I can get the wood glue to set and dry the coat of varnish I put on the spars today.
It doesn't feel any warmer in there but it might keep it above freezing.
All the cupboard doors are assembled and ready for sanding. All the framing for them is prepared and primed in white.

I rooted out the gaff saddle because I knew it had a worn piece on one of the eyes. Unfortunately it is actually cracked so I've given it a lick of the grinder and I'll weld it up tomorrow and put it in the heap for
re galvanising. There is also a hole in the leather so I'll have to buy some new leather for it and recover the bowsprit traveler as well.

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